FaZe Clan breaks silence amid backlash from “OGs” Teeqo, Rain, more

Brad Norton

FaZe Clan has broken its silence on social media amid a string of critical videos from longstanding creators like Teeqo and Rain, admitting the organization hasn’t been on the right track and that all “OGs” will be talking soon.

2023 has been off to a rough start for FaZe Clan. Be it sweeping layoffs removing dozens of employees from the company or a rapidly plummeting value on the stock market, the once-iconic gaming brand has been through a difficult stretch. Adding to the pressure, a number of veteran content creators have spoken out against the team in recent weeks for various reasons.

From Rain’s public criticisms to Teeqo’s recent video lashing out at “disrespectful” owners earning more than original members of the group, many popular influencers have gone against the org of late.

Having remained silent on the internet in light of this recent backlash, FaZe Clan has only now broken its silence on March 21 with a brief statement on Twitter admitting it’s wrongdoings while promising to do better. Previously, all company accounts had remained silent since March 13. The full statement is as follows:

“We know that for too long we haven’t been the FaZe we need to be, but we’re working hard towards fixing that.

“We hope to have all the OGs sit down together soon, and we don’t want to do that without everyone. We’ll do everything in our power to work this out & not let you down.”

Obviously, specifics weren’t provided in this particular message, so it remains unclear how exactly the company plans to resolve its lingering issues with longstanding members. However, looking to regroup the original core is how the team is looking to make a start.

Exactly when this meeting of FaZe Clan icons from over the years may take place, remains unclear. Though given this message is out in public, the company appears to be adamant in righting its wrongs and getting back on the same page with many veteran influencers.