Diablo 2 Resurrected fans slam Blizzard and demand refunds over troubled launch

Sam Smith
Diablo 2 Resurrected Diablo looking angry

Diablo 2 Resurrected’s post-launch woes continue as some fans demand a refund over the game’s continued server and matchmaking issues.

While the remaster of Diablo 2 gave fans the nostalgia pop they were hoping for, its launch has been far from heavenly. Since the first day it arrived the game has been mired in server outages and matchmaking problems with fans beginning to lose patience.

After taking steps to rectify the game’s problems with essential maintenance, the servers then went down for close to a whole day during a weekend. This angered a lot of fans as it was during peak playtime.

Blizzard’s lack of communication during the outage was also a bone of contention, and the company has since worked hard to improve this by tweeting more frequently. However, the damage may already have been done, as now an increasing number of fans are calling for a refund.


Fans take to social media asking for Diablo 2 Resurrected refund

Diablo 2 disconnect message
This is a screen many Diablo 2 Resurrected owners are sick of seeing.

Since Diablo 2 Resurrected’s last server outage #RefundD2R has started to appear on Twitter with more and more fans lending their voice to the call. Reddit users have also joined the fray, making their own cases for a refund to D2R after the game’s problematic launch.

Blizzard has revealed the cause of the outages has been an issue with Diablo 2 Resurrected’s code. This gives fans hope that now the problem has been identified, it can be resolved. Although, a fix at this late stage may not be enough to dissuade those fans who’ve started calling for a refund.

One Redditor started their thread by saying “This is rapidly approaching I would like a refund territory” with another saying, “I tried to refund a day ago based on constant crashes and downtime, they denied it because I had played the game.”

There’s been no public response from Blizzard as of yet. However, their response to an individual player’s request for a refund has surfaced online.

The company may be hoping that resolving the issue at its source will be enough to pacify disgruntled players.