MW2 players have one major complaint about new Pelayo’s Lighthouse map

Josh Tyler
Pelayos Lighthouse map in MW2

Call of Duty players are enjoying the new MW2 multiplayer map Pelayo’s Lighthouse – but there’s one major complaint that keeps coming up.

Pelayo’s Lighthouse was introduced to Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer map rotation as part of the latest Season 3 patch.

Though it was teased as a pseudo-remake of the classic Modern Warfare 2 map Estate, Pelayo’s Lighthouse adds many new landmarks and sight lines for players to exploit.

It’s only been a few days, but Call of Duty players seem to have a very strong reaction to Pelayo’s Lighthouse, particularly with one major complaint.

Players’ biggest problem with MW2’s Pelayo’s Lighthouse

While there are plenty of features that have MW2 players gushing over Pelayo’s Lighthouse – particularly the rain and nighttime setting – one complaint consistently cropped up on a Reddit thread discussing the map: Its size.

Estate, the map that Pelayo’s Lighthouse draws inspiration from, was known to be a rather large map back in the original Modern Warfare 2, but MW2 players believe those problems have been exacerbated.

“I like it, just hate the running around for 2 minutes trying to find where the enemies are at and then getting shot from my own spawn,” the top comment on the thread says.

“If you’re playing 10v10 on it. It would be immaculate. But yet again. It’s a 6v6 map that’s just a little too big,” another agreed.

But many in the comments were also quick to note that these feelings might change once players have gotten more time to learn the map and discover all the different alleys and sightlines.

Overall, it seems players are largely happy with Pelayo’s Lighthouse. They just wish it wasn’t so hard to run across it.