Baldur’s Gate 3 players can’t get over their love for this Companion’s sass

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a wide range of characters and all of them have massive personalities. However, there is one character who shows so much sass that players cannot get over them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most expansive games when it comes to character depth. Each and every companion has a deep personality that will make the players curious and thereby indulge in friendship as well as romantic relationships.

In fact, building relations is one of the most vital aspects of the game. However, there is one character whom players love more than anyone on account of their overwhelming sass. The character in discussion is Jaheira, and players simply cannot stop loving this companion.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are in love with Jaheira’s sass

The discussion surrounding this topic was initiated by a Reddit user LunchThreatener. The user mentioned, “We just killed the Bhaal cultists sent by the Jaheira doppelganger. She was talking about how tired she is of everything, cultists wearing her face and her friends being tricked and shit.”

They continued, “She approved and her next two lines of dialogue were just laughter followed by b*****d.” They concluded, “Never taking her out of my party again lol.”

This post garnered a lot of attention from other players. One such user commented, “The options to sass Jaheira are always worth it, she has the best sense of humor.” Another user chimed in, “Gods I love her, I love she will approve of basically all banter, especially about her age, she’s the fiery grandma of the group and I love it.”

Another Reddit user mentioned, “Jaheira was by far the most pleasant surprise I had in my first run. I tend to stick with the same team rather than switch companions.” Finally, a player claimed, “I love Jaehira. There’s so much fun with her and Durge interacting with each other as they essentially get on each other nerves because they are technically enemies trying to get to know each other.”

Therefore, it is safe to mention that players are in love with this companion. She has a really good personality, and her humor is right on point. Hence, a lot of players love to put her in their party since she ensures there is a balance between serious companions and easygoing ones.