Baldur’s Gate 3 players are loving the “most OP” feat in the game

Liam Ho
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have expressed their love for “the most OP” feat in the entire game, giving their party immense advantages when initiating a battle.

Larian Studio’s Baldur’s Gate 3 has been nothing but an absolute success for the developers. The RPG saw massive acclaim both critically and socially, with the game eventually winning Game of the Year at 2023’s Game Awards.

With a bounty of options, players are able to take their own unique path while playing the game, really giving them the freedom a sandbox provides. Whether or not they choose to be good, evil, a noble Paladin, or a cunning rogue is entirely in the hands of the player.

The same can be said for the game’s combat, which lets players pick and choose how they take on each encounter. Sometimes this means avoiding combat completely, however, when push comes to shove, Baldur’s Gate 3 players have fallen in love with the Alert feat.

BG3 players have fallen in love with the Alert feat

When starting a combat in Baldur’s Gate 3, all entities involved will need to roll for Initiative. Initiative enforces the turn order in combat, meaning it’s vitally important to have a high initiative so you can get the first strike in.

That’s where the Alert feat comes into play, as it grants a +5 bonus to Initiative, and prevents you from being surprised. This is incredibly handy for taking on opponents, as you’ll always have your say first.

“‘Alert’ must be the most OP thing ever,” one Reddit user claimed.

“It’s amazing and my favorite feat. I always pick it in regular DnD too if my character is neurotic, anxious or a scaredy-cat,” another agreed.

Others pointed out that since Baldur’s Gate uses a D4 to roll for initiative, a +5 bonus is all the more welcome.

“It’s even more busted in BG3 considering the initiative is done with a d4 instead of a d20.”

With a wealth of feats to choose from while playing Baldur’s Gate 3, it can almost be too much for the player to pick, fortunately, Alert is always a great option for anyone unsure.