Baldur’s Gate 3 dev hints highly requested customization feature in the works

Brianna Reeves
Baldur's Gate 3 customization

A Baldur’s Gate 3 developer told fans a customization feature allowing players to change their character’s appearance is in the works.

Baldur’s Gate 3 boasts an in-depth character creation system in which players can spend an inordinate amount of time tinkering. This level of expansiveness applies to the character’s skills and abilities, too.

Unfortunately, once a user leaves the character creator, their hero’s appearance is more or less locked in. Even changing hairstyles is out of the question.

This surprisingly overlooked feature has led to fans begging developer Larian for the option to redo character customization choices. Many will be pleased to learn the studio’s been listening.

New Baldur’s Gate 3 customization feature in development

In response to a tweet from Larian’s Director of Publishing, Michael Douse (aka @Cromwelp), one player pleaded: “Sir please let me change how I look in the game. I’m BEGGING!!!!”

Douse simply replied, “Things are being cooked.” The statement seemingly confirms that the much-coveted ability to alter your character’s appearance is in the works.

When the feature might become available and how it will function in-game remains to be seen. But at least, Baldur’s Gate 3 players now know the customization feature no longer constitutes a pipe dream.

Based on responses to the above post, fans are ecstatic about the news. Of course, a host of “thank you” posts and the like fill the replies. Meanwhile, others ask that the developers take their time to get the feature right.

This news follows on the heels of Larian rolling out Hotfix #3 for Baldur’s Gate 3 late last week. The patch tackled over 200 bugs and issues and made the Blue Behir Dice permanently available to everyone.