Lifeline and Loba reportedly buffed in secret Apex Legends Season 15 bins change

Andrew Amos
Lifeline running to blue bin in Apex Legends

It’s not in the patch notes, but Lifeline and Loba have gotten quite the buff in Apex Legends Season 15. A change to blue bins means Support Legends will get special access while the rest of the roster misses out.

The blue bins dotted across the Apex Games, named Support Bins officially, are known for their slightly-rarer loot and plenty of medical goods. There’s been a special interaction with Lifeline since launch too, allowing the Support Legend to open a special compartment with more loot.

However, that’s all changing in Apex Legends Season 15 as Respawn reportedly changed how the blue bins work.

According to early footage from the November 1 update, Support Bins can only be opened by Support Legends. At the time of publication, this limits it to Lifeline and Loba. It’s unclear if Loba will get access to the same secret compartment as Lifeline, though.

For those two Legends, it’s quite a significant buff. If you drop in an area with plenty of blue bins and don’t have one of these characters, you’ll miss out on a large quantity of loot. It might encourage teams to pick up a Support Legend just to not miss out.

However, it’s important to note these changes were missed in the patch notes, meaning they could have been dropped between footage being filmed and the update actually going live.

This blue bins change is not the only one Respawn failed to mention ahead of Apex Legends Season 15. There are a couple of new pings on the wheel, including a “Use Our Abilities Here” marker as well as “Enemy Audio”. 

As for what was actually included in the patch notes, there’s obviously the release of new Legend Catalyst as well as the Broken Moon map

A number of weapon adjustments were made including the return of the Mastiff to ground loot, nerfs to the Volt SMG, and more. There were no Legend changes, however.

About The Author

Hailing from Perth, Andrew was formerly Dexerto's Australian Managing Editor. They love telling stories across all games and esports, but they have a soft spot for League of Legends and Rainbow Six. Oh, and they're also fascinated by the rise of VTubers.