Apex Legends’ fans create perfect way to reward kill leader

Andy Williams

Apex Legends’ fans have come up with a simple yet ingenious way of acknowledging the kill leader in-game. 

Apex Legends is now a staple of the battle royale realm. In its short tenure within the genre, the game has reinvented the wheel in terms of its features. 

Adding elements like a ping system and respawn beacons innovated the genre, from which other leading titles shortly followed suit.

Respawn Entertainment.Respawn beacons are now a feature among most top battle royales.

Although the battle royale has undoubtedly brought a fresh take on a booming genre, there are still features which fans are calling out for. 

Big changes, such as incorporating replays and cross-play integration have been commonly requested from the community. However, sometimes it is the smaller tidbits which can go a long way.  

One concept is to recognize the kill leader through adding a crown onto the skull that represents the kill count in-game.  

Initially posted to the Apex Legends subreddit by ‘crims9n’ shortly after the game’s release, a fellow Reddit user has re-posted the concept in a bid to gain some traction. 

Although the concept is relatively basic, the initial post received 46k upvotes, and in just over 12 hours of going live, the repost had gained over 2k upvotes. 

On paper, the concept would be relatively easy to implement. Moreover, the notion of recognizing the kill leader could also come with XP benefits. For example, the longer a player holds onto the kill leader badge, the more XP they generate. 

With a new level cap on its way in a forthcoming update, an incentive such as this would prompt more fast-paced action in order to reap the rewards of a sizable XP bonus and thus net more Apex packs.

Respawn Entertainment.Kill-leading squads are currently recognized through banners dotted around the map.

Squads would use the banners that are dotted around the map to actively seek the Legend with the most kills, strip them of their XP bonus and be rewarded with a bonus of their own. 

Following the death of the former kill leader, the XP bonus would then be passed onto the next highest Legend in the server and would be capped near the endgame (e.g., last five squads). 

Not only would this incentivize players to seek kills in the early game, it would shake-up the current conservative playstyle/meta that is currently being sported on World’s Edge. A risk-reward scenario such as this could be exactly what the Apex Games need to spice up the action.