Solo Leveling just ended on the most exciting cliffhanger yet

Anthony McGlynn
Sung Jinwoo in Solo Leveling

Solo Leveling has given us some exciting twists and turns, but the best is yet to come. Episode 10 finished on a moment that fans who’ve read the manhwa know all too well.

It’s fair to say Solo Leveling has come a long way in a short time from the opening episode. There, Sung Jinwoo manages to save a few hunters from a horrendous fate at the ends of a mysterious dungeon they’d become trapped in.

His efforts in the anime show led to him surviving what seemed like certain death, only to awaken with access to a strange UI only he can see. Previously a low level hunter, he now has the proper to rank up, quickly becoming one of the strongest Solo Leveling characters.

We’ve seen him defeat Cerberus and several other monsters, but an epic step up is about to occur. Warning: spoilers ahead!

Solo Leveling is about to depict one of the manwha’s most epic scenes

At the end of Solo Leveling Episode 10, Sung gets a message that reads, “A job-change quest can now be ordered.” To unsuspecting viewers, this is just another question mark for the next episode, but what’s coming has those in the know very excited.

This is the mission that allows Sung Jinwoo to become the Monarch of Shadows, a radical title that allows him to wield an army of shadow creatures. Readers of the manhwa have been waiting for this, since it means we’ll get one of creator Chugong’s coolest scenes.

“Goosebumps when I saw that quest. We eating good next episode,” says a commenter on Reddit. Others are trying to predict how the next two episodes will go. The belief is that we’ll get more storytelling in Episode 11, leading to the big moment in Episode 12.

This season of Solo Leveling has been split into cours (two parts), so Episode 12 will be the end of this portion. Finishing on such a momentous bit of character work will make sure we’re waiting for Cour 2 with baited breath whenever it arrives.

For now, we just have a week to wait. Check out our list of the best anime like Solo Leveling if you need something to help pass the time.