Solo Leveling documentary seems to confirm exciting news for anime

Anthony McGlynn
Sung Jinwoo in Solo Leveling

Solo Leveling has become one of the anime highlights of 2024 already, and the announcement of a documentary about the property has fans excited for the future.

So far, Solo Leveling has be an awesome anime show. The story, following a low-level hero, Sung Jinwoo, who mysteriously gains the ability to enhance his ranking, has provided numerous thrilling moments, all while layering on mystery and teasing more incredible scenes.

A-1 Pictures has not only done justice to Chugong’s manhwa, but exceeded it with longer battles and a higher attention to detail.

It seems like we’ve plenty more coming, because a documentary so early in the first season suggests one thing for fans.

Solo Leveling documentary appears to confirm Season 2

The Leveling of Solo Leveling, a two-part inside look at Sun Jinwoo’s journey from the manhwa to hitting our screens, was recently revealed by Crunchyroll. Such a robust celebration coming so early in the anime’s lifespan — we’re seven episodes in at time of writing — has fans believing that means another season is already on the way.

“Looks like we’re gonna get a complete adaptation of Solo Leveling. No one does this documentary and stuff for a 12 or 24 episode anime,” one YouTube comment said.

The gut feeling is that Crunchyroll wouldn’t make something like this without existing plans to follow through on the entire story. There’s more than enough material in the manhwa for a second season, and the current levels of popularity make it an easy call.

Much of the trailer is dedicated to soundbites discussing the webtoon’s popularity, about how Solo Leveling is perhaps the most successful Korean work in that medium ever, so much so it opened up the marketplace to an international audience. Fans see this production as akin to to when Sung starts declaring “Arise” for his shadow army and becomes a much more proficient hunter.

Right now, it’s hard to argue this isn’t Crunchyroll doing the same for the franchise. There’s no release date for The Leveling of Solo Leveling yet, but we’ll keep you informed. If you’re completely up to date, check out our list of the best anime like Solo Leveling for similar thrills.