My Hero Academia 414 spoilers tease Deku and Shigaraki’s fierce battle

Aparna Ukil
Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia Chapter 414 will feature Deku getting the upper hand in the ongoing battle – here are the spoilers for the new chapter.

In the previous chapter of MHA, we saw Shigaraki’s biggest weakness getting revealed. The ongoing fight made the heroes realize that they cannot defeat the mighty villain, but suddenly, Kudou saw Shigaraki’s internal wound that he received while fighting Star and Stripe. So, he got an idea and shared it with Deku.

If Deku transfers his quirks into Shigaraki’s body, the tables will be turned in his favor, but if he fails, the villain can end his story.

So, without any further ado, let’s delve deeper to learn about the events that will be unveiled in My Hero Academia Chapter 414.

My Hero Academia Chapter 414 spoilers

My Hero Academia 414 is titled ‘Overlay’, and it starts with Deku surprising everyone by using the Black Whip to move his own body. En is shocked as he never thought Deku would quickly bring the idea into reality. Kudou proudly says that Deku hasn’t obeyed the orders blindly, but he has also used his knowledge to execute the plan.

On the other side, Deku is worried, thinking that he will be able to catch up with Shigaraki’s speed without the Gearshift. The OFA can only be inserted into Shigaraki’s body if Deku wishes. So, without any second thought, Deku decides to drop his blood into Shigaraki’s injury.

Shigaraki’s resurrection powers are extraordinary, so Deku must attack him and transfer the blood within seconds restricting the villain from healing. Meanwhile, Shigaraki is sure that Deku has a plan, so he cuts off his hand before the enemy gets closer to him. He isn’t in a mood to stop without causing the massive destruction. Deku is in a pathetic condition due to the Gearshift’s recoil, but he wants to stop Shigaraki at any cost. The next panel shows Shigaraki and Deku charging at each other.

Deku uses the smokescreen to get out of Shigaraki’s vision; on the other hand, the latter touches the ground. However, he is disappointed that Deku has already removed a significant part of the ground to prevent the decay from spreading. Even though Danger Sense tries to alert him about what’s coming from behind, Shigaraki can’t succeed in stopping Deku from reaching him. Before Tomura could transform, Deku lands a heavy punch on his chest.