WoW dev confirms they are “investigating” fix for quest mobs in Season of Discovery

James Lynch
Season of Discovery Patch changes

After a relatively smooth start to the second phase of World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery, the game’s developer has confirmed a number of changes are on the way designed to alleviate some of the community’s more pressing concerns.

After a successful first phase of the seasonal experience, players have been leveling to the new cap of 40. Waiting for them at the end is the new Gnomeregan 10-man raid adaptation, which some guilds have already managed to conquer.

In addition, the new PvP activity in Stranglethorn Vale has given players a new setting to combat their foes in the opposite factions. A side effect of all those additions is that Blizzard has a significant amount to manage moving forward.

Now, the developer has confirmed the first round of changes is on the way, and it may go some way to addressing the bigger issues players are having.

Quest mob changes could be on the way soon

In an official post on the Blizzard forums, the developer confirmed that they had heard concerns about quest mob density and they were looking into a fix, without ruining the balance of the game.

The blue post detailing upcoming changes in Season of Discovery

In addition to the above statement on quest mobs, the developer also confirmed other changes are coming. The most notable include stat shifts in the Blood Moon Stranglethorn Vale PvP activity. Players will now receive a solid stamina boost when in the activity, to counter the increased power of players.

Starsurge is also getting a major nerf, with the damage reduced by 30%. This is likely in response to significant feedback from the player base, many of whom felt caster Druid had been buffed too far beyond its original Classic makeup.

There are some other minor class and activity tweaks, and it sounds like there could be more on the way. The experimental nature of Season of Discovery does necessitate the need for more balancing than normal, and Blizzard has done an admirable job so far.