Yellowstone fans think John Dutton is actually a serial killer

Jessica Cullen
Kevin Costner as John Dutton in Yellowstone

Despite serving as the unofficial hero of Yellowstone, fans of the series have considered that there’s something more malicious about John Dutton.

Yes, the head honcho of the Dutton ranch might be an advocate for land preservation (as long as it’s his land) and the good ol’ fashioned cowboy ways, he’s not exactly an upstanding citizen. In fact, many of the best Yellowstone episodes see John Dutton and his men eliminating their enemies in a brutal manner, giving us some truly shocking Yellowstone deaths in the process.

But some fans are wondering if John’s pro-murder stance is actually a front for a march larger motivation. Could it be that John Dutton is actually a serial killer?

As one fan supposed on Reddit: “John Dutton is a serial killer. He has a pit. And he had planned it all out hoping that ridiculous ‘nobody technically lives in this strip of land’ loophole to get away with murder.”

“They’re mafia,” another agreed. “It’s Sons of Anarchy on horses. It’s 100% organized crime.”

Yes, John Dutton’s game does admittedly look like the work of someone who’s not above killing a few people, especially with his Train Station plot. What’s more, his use of the Yellowstone Y brand could be considered as a calling card of sorts, marking his property, which more often than not, includes people.

But it’s not just John who’s getting some ire from viewers, with one Reddit user adding: “Rip is as well. I’m not gonna pretend that most of the people on this ranch are good people.”

Still some don’t quite see it that way. One comment compared John to Tony Soprano more than Dexter Morgan (a famous TV serial killer.)

“I see him as more akin to Tony Soprano than Dexter Morgan,” they said. “He sees himself as a ‘soldier’ who kills people who are ‘in the game’ in that they want to take his land from him in some way. Like the former, he’s a colossal narcissist who is incapable of forming a truly healthy relationship with anyone and doesn’t flinch at murder, bid rigging, or extortion.”

Indeed, as fun as it might be to think that John Dutton was playing some extraordinary long serial killer game, that’s most likely not the case. If so, he wouldn’t be as much of a public figure as he was, and he certainly wouldn’t be getting others to do his murderous bidding. A criminal? Yes. A serial killer? Perhaps not.

For more, check out our guide to Yellowstone Season 5 Part 2. You can also find out everything there is to know about 6666, and take a look at all the best Yellowstone characters.