Dragon Ball meets Pokémon with incredible Android 18 cosplay

With Pokémon Sword and Shield on the horizon, fans of the franchise are waiting with bated breath for the games’ release: but some cosplayers are taking matters into their own hands, combining the classic video game series with another, wildly popular anime.
While Pokémon is an incredibly successful series in its own right, the Dragon Ball anime and manga series is beloved enough to rival its popularity, boasting multiple video games, movies, and other such spinoffs in its lifetime.
With the release of Dragon Ball FighterZ in 2018, gaming enthusiasts around the globe have yet another title from the series to add to their collection – but one cosplayer took it upon herself to merge the two worlds.
Cosplayer ‘Sosenka’ debuted a stunning merger between Team Rocket’s Jessie and Android 18, giving the former Red Ribbon associate a whole new look.
Rather than her classic jean jacket and miniskirt combo, Android 18 now wears Jessie’s classic Team Rocket outfit – although she’s missing Jessie’s striking red hairdo.
Cosplayer ‘itlookslikekilled’ uploaded a stunning merge between the worlds of Dragon Ball and Pokémon, giving Android 18 a new look with Jessie’s Team Rocket outfit.600https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAvLD5iag-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Sosenka claimed that the Red Ribbon Army and Team Rocket would make the perfect evil duo, thus resulting in her combo between the two organizations, and even teased another potential cosplay of Jessie wearing Android 18’s iconic outfit.
“Red Ribbon Army + Team Rocket is a perfect mash-up for some reasons!” she explained in her Instagram post of the cosplay. “Should Jessie borrow 18’s clothes too?”
While that particular cosplay mashup has yet to happen, Sosenka has already given a stunning take on Team Rocket’s leading lady, who wears her hair a bit looser than the strict “r-shaped” design from the Pokémon anime.
Sosenka gave fans a sultry take on Team Rocket’s Jessie, who wears her hair a bit looser than it’s “r-shaped” design in the anime series.600https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPzIJMHYvU/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Sosenka isn’t the only cosplayer hyping up Sword and Shield’s release, either; other cosplayers are already creating costumes for the game’s newest gym leader, Nessa, with her sporty outfit and cool demeanor easily rendering her a favorite across the community.
PattieCosplay is one of several cosplayers who are already cooking up costumes for Nessa, Pokémon’s newest water-type gym leader.600https://www.dexerto.com/cosplay/pokemon-sword-and-shield-fans-creating-amazing-nessa-cosplays-715092
Fans have even gone so far as to create humanoid renditions of Sword and Shield’s starter Pokémon, with the likes of cosplay pro Jessica Nigri debuting her Scorbunny and Grookey.
Jessica Nigri has uploaded her takes on Sword and Shield’s Grookey and Scorbunny, with the only starter left being Sobble.600https://www.dexerto.com/cosplay/jessica-nigri-shows-fantastic-pokemon-cosplay-472398
With Pokémon enthusiasts chomping at the bit for the series’ next installment, it comes as no surprise that creative minds are having a field day with the games’ upcoming content, which includes such features as the Dynamax mechanic, all new Pokémon, and the new Galar region, based on the UK.
Sword and Shield is set for a global release on November 15, 2019.