Geguri Speaks Out About Her Decision to Join Shanghai Dragons

Joe O'Brien

Shanghai Dragons’ Kim ‘Geguri’ Se-yeon has spoken out about her decision to join the team.

Geguri signed with the Dragons during Stage 2 of the Overwatch League, becoming the first female player to join an OWL roster, although her debut wasn’t until Stage 3 due to visa delays.

Alongside Geguri, three more Korean players joined the predominantly Chinese squad, along with one new Chinese player in the form of Support He ‘Sky’ Junjian. The moves marked a near complete overhaul of the squad.

In the first two stages, the original line-up was unable to find a single match victory. Unfortunately, so far in Stage 3 the Dragons remain win-less, although there have been distinct improvements in their play.

Geguri has become one of the more talked-about players in the league, and while her gender naturally results in a slightly larger spotlight, for many she has also been the standout player on the struggling team. Consequently, some question why she chose to sign with what is clearly the weakest team in the league.

In a recent stream, Geguri reportedly spoke on the matter and also claimed that she didn’t wish for fans to disparage the other members of her team. The statement was translated by @kyleenim on Twitter.

“I chose to join Shanghai Dragons because I wanted to see how my talents can help the team out and I thought this would help me improve as a player. I was afraid that I would stagnate when I started out, but right now, I am very glad to be a part of this team.

I also dislike it when people say that I am the only good player in SHD because we all try our best and their efforts are the reason why I look so good in matches. So I want people to stop that misconception of me being the only good player in the team.”

The Shanghai Dragons are facing New York Excelsior and London Spitfire to close out Stage 3, and so they’re extremely unlikely to end the stage with a win. On their current trajectory, however, it looks increasingly feasible that they could claim a victory before the season ends.