Teamfight Tactics shared draft update will make the game more fair

Joe O'Brien

A change to the first round of the Teamfight Tactics shared draft should help ensure players start on a more even footing.

Teamfight Tactics kicks off with the shared draft, often referred to as the ‘carousel’, in which players can grab their first champion.

The shared draft features nine champions, each of which holds an item of some kind, and the eight players can attempt to grab their preferred option. In round one, the champions are all tier one or tier two.

The shared draft ‘carousel’ give players their first champion.

Given that the tier two champions are designed to be more powerful than their tier one counterparts, this can leave some players at an immediate disadvantage, which can be especially irritating for players with slower PCs who might miss the opportunity to choose altogether due to loading times, resulting in being assigned one of the remaining options.

Regardless of the reason, ending up with a tier one unit from the carousel can be a notable disadvantage in the early rounds. A one-gold deficit might not sound like a lot, but early on every gold counts until you have time to build up a stronger bank.

This is especially true if you hope to upgrade a tier two champion to two-star level in time for the first player-vs-player round, which are the strongest base-level units you can have by that time. Not only do you need to be fortunate enough to come across three separate units rather than two if you don’t already have one, the cost in gold becomes six compared to four.

Fortunately, this discrepancy is due to be fixed, as the next update will change the first shared draft so that all available champions are tier two.

This change should not only ensure all players begin on an even footing economy-wise, but also allows more focus on the champions themselves and the items they’re carrying, without having to also consider the gold value.