LoL players call on devs to change forgotten champ that’s been neglected for 8 years

League of Legends players have called on the devs to make changes or update a champion that’s seemingly been forgotten for over 8 years.
Riot’s MOBA League of Legends is a pretty massive game. With over 10 years under its belt, it’s no surprise the game has a bunch of champions, items, and systems that make the game rather complex. Being a League player means knowing the ins and outs of the game, which is constantly being updated with new patches.
Many of these patches bring changes to help balance the game. Whether this means nerfs or buffs to various champions, Riot is always looking to fine-tune the game. However, with over 160 different characters, certain champions end up being forgotten and overlooked.
Now League of Legends players are highlighting support champion Zilean, who seemingly hasn’t received changes in over eight years.
The Time Lord Zilean has been one of the staple champions of League of Legends. Released in 2009, the character has stood the test of time, despite being relatively unpopular amongst players. However, players would like to see Zilean receive some changes or an update.
According to the post, Zilean hasn’t been changed since Season 5.
“I would love to see this champ get some attention. His passive isn’t very good and also feels terrible to cast… His itemization doesn’t feel great in mid or support. Somehow, people will always say he feels broken to play against, but nobody wants to play him, which doesn’t seem like a great combination.”
Others chimed in, asking for the champion to receive smaller quality-of-life updates.
“Zilean main here. The only thing we really want changed is the passive.”

However, many counteracted this point, saying if Zilean was to be changed, he would need nerfs, being one of the game’s best-kept secrets.
“I’m pretty sure Zilean mains don’t want any changes. Champ is stupid broken but it’s an old dude with a clock in a supportive position so no one plays him,” one player claimed.
“It is widely acknowledged that if any changes are made to Zilean that increase his pick rate, he will be nerfed into oblivion. Shhh,” another agreed.
Even a Rioter commented, suggesting that the champion might just be the perfect character.
Despite all the fuss, only time will tell if Zilean receives any love in the near future.