League of Legends Patch 8.24 set to feature extensive nerfs to Runes and Champions

With Season 9 of League of Legends on the horizon, Riot Game is set to bring down the nerf hammer on a number of popular Champions. 

Riot Games released the 8.23 patch for League of Legends on November 16 and it brought a host of major gameplay changes that have, as is usually the case, changed up the meta in a big way. 

With the upcoming 8.24 patch, Riot will be focusing on dialing back some Champions and a particular Rune that has everyone in the community buzzing. 

Riot Game Product Lead Richard Henkel took to Twitter on November 26 to outline just what would be looked at with the patch and singled out a long list of champions along with the pesky Dark Harvest Rune. 

Dark Harvest has been the subject of much contention ever since 8.23 was released, with Riot having already issued a hotfix for it soon after the patch’s release. 

It looks like that wasn’t enough for them, however, as the Rune will see its stats and attributes change in a big way with 8.24.

Furthermore, some of the problem champions like top lane Viktor, Aatrox, Akali, and Irelia will see nerfs once the patch drops. 

Henkel hinted at some other changes coming to the jungle, as well, after Cloud9 mid laner Yasin ‘Nisqy’ Dincer asked if the recent trend of mid laners taking Smite was being looked at.

By the looks of it, Riot Games are looking to leave no stone unturned with Season 9 just around the corner in an effort to prevent a massive meta shift like what was seen with the release of Season 8 earlier in 2018. 

Patch 8.24 is expected to release sometime next week, but nothing is set in stone for now. As soon as the patch is released, we’ll have everything you need to know right here. 

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