KEEMSTAR’s $20,000 Friday Fortnite Week 7 Tournament Bracket, Rules, and Live Streams – Ninja, FaZe Banks, Lil Xan, and More!

With Friday on the horizon, the seventh installation of the ‘Friday Fortnite’ Tournament hosted by KEEMSTAR and UMG Gaming will feature 64 of the top streamers, YouTubers, and personalities.

After six successful weeks of competition, the Friday Fortnite Tournament has become one of the most popular events in the gaming community by featuring a collection of well-recognized personalities from around the gaming and entertainment world.

Week seven will see a number of high-profile names, including the likes of Ninja, FaZe Banks, Nadeshot, Dr DisRespect, Myth, and CouRage, while rappers Lil Xan and Lil Yachty will also be taking part in the competition alongside Svennoss and FaZe Adapt, respectfully.

Some powerhouse matchups will be taking place in the first round of week seven, such as NICKMERCS and SypherPK going up against FaZe Tfue and FaZe Cloakzy, CouRage and Cizzorz vs Ninja and C9Hysteria, Myth and Hamlinz vs Daequan and CaMiLLs, along with many more.

You can view the full bracket at the link below.  The tournament is set to start on June 22nd at 4pm EST (1pm PST, 9pm BST, 7am AEDT).

Friday Fortnite Week 7 UMG Bracket

The payouts for Week Seven of Friday Fortnite will be the following:

  • 1st Place – $10,000
  • 2nd Place – $7,000
  • 3rd place – $3,000

Because there are no custom games or lobbies in Fortnite yet, the tournament is played on public servers using the following rules:


2v2 Matches

Streaming Rules:

UPDATED: You must have your delay set to 120 seconds on your OBS settings when you are streaming, failing to do so will result in a forfeit and or a replay of the match that was played.

How To Win:

For this tournament you will play two games. Each game you must keep track of your kills for each game played. The combined amount of kills for each game will determine which team will win the match. If out of the two games played the kills are tied a third map will be played to determine a winner for the match.


You will party up as a SQUAD or DUOS with your opponent based on the type of match (1v1, 2v2). Any player inside of that queued session MAY NOT destroy any bases made by their opponent, make them fall, or any other actions that may help lead to that person’s death.

Examples of sabotage include but are not limited to:

  • Breaking or weakening opponent’s built or non built structures or cover by any means.
  • Causing opponents to miss shots or miss opportunities for advancing their scores in any way shape or form.
  • Building in front of your opponent.
  • Boogie Bombing your opponent.
  • The use of a boogie bomb on your opponent at any point in the game are subject to disqualifications.

Match Issues:

For no-shows in this tournament if you fail to respond within a fair given time frame you may be forfeited from the tournament.

All forfeits will be handled and made by the judgement of the UMG Admin Demo.

All forfeits to be valid will be reported by the players for them to seek if the match should be replayed and or a forfeit of the match.

The Friday Fortnite week tournament will be live streamed on UMG Events Twitch channel with casting, as well as on the individual channels of many of the participants.

More streams of the tournament will be added to this article once the start time of the competition draws near.

Watch live video from UMGEvents on
Watch live video from Tfue on
Watch live video from TSM_Myth on