Fortnite v9.30 Content Update patch notes – New revolver, 14 Days of Summer and more

The new Fortnite content update for June 25, v9.30, brings a new weapon to battle royale and kicked off the 14 Days of Summer event.
The new content update, released June 25, adds the new revolver weapon, as well as kicking off the 14 Days of Summer event in the battle royale portion of the game.
There’s also new content for Creative and Save the World too, with the beloved ‘Kevin the Cube’ prefabs added to creative mode.

Weapons and items unvaulted… all at once?
The 14 Days of Summer event is the main attraction for battle royale players, with a weapon or item being unvaulted each day, and lasting for 24 hours.
However, a bug of some kind, or perhaps an error with the update, appears to have in fact unvaulted more than just one weapon.
The weapons were meant to be unvaulted one at a time, and would be available for 24 hours, before being rotated out again. Some of the weapons which are being unvaulted have add nerfs made to them though, with significant damage reductions.
There will also be new LTM’s each day, with a total 14, presumably one for each day.

Fortnite 9.30 content update – patch notes
Battle Royale
- Revolver
- Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
- Fires Medium Ammo.
- Holds 6 rounds.
- 63 / 66 damage per shot.
- Headshot multiplier of 2.
- Available from Floor loot, Chests, Vending Machines, Supply Drops, and Loot Carriers.
- Vaulted
- Rare Tactical Assault Rifle
- With the unvaulting of the Suppressed Submachine Gun, we wanted to make sure loot distribution in this class of item was well distributed.
- Impulse Grenades
- Rift-To-Go
- Pirate Cannon
- Rare Tactical Assault Rifle
- Unvaulted
- Uncommon and Rare Pump Shotgun
- Available in floor loot and Vending Machines
- There’s been a lot of feedback around the Tactical Shotgun and Combat Shotgun effectiveness, and so we’re experimenting with a world where the Pump Shotgun joins the current shotgun lineup.
- Shockwave Grenade
- Suppressed SMG
- We feel the Suppressed Submachine Gun can fill a complementary role to the Burst Submachine Gun as a viable alternative.
- Common, Uncommon, and Rare Revolver
- Uncommon and Rare Pump Shotgun
- Tactical Shotgun
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 8.19% to 5.4%
- Headshot Multiplier increased from 2 to 2.25
- Burst SMG
- Availability adjustments
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 5.03% to 3.1%
- Availability from chests reduced from 18.66% to 10.32%
- Balance adjustments
- Base accuracy increased by 13.6%
- Jumping accuracy penalty reduced from 15% to 5%
- Sprinting accuracy penalty reduced from 30% to 20%
- Base damage increased from 23/24/25 to 24/25/26
- The Burst SMG was dropping a bit too frequently for the role it was intended to fill. Additionally, it was underperforming when compared to similar items.
- Availability adjustments
- SemiAuto Sniper Rifle
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 0.65% to 0.44%
- Availability from chests reduced from 5.1% to 3.4%
- FlintKnock Pistol
- Availability from floor loot reduced from 1.97% to 1.32%
- Infantry Rifle
- Increased the Epic and Legendary Infantry Rifle clip size from 8 to 10
- Minigun
- Increased player damage from 18/19 to 20/21
- DrumGun
- Reduced clip size from 50 to 40
- Reduced fire rate from 9 to 8
- Since the unvaulting, the Drum Gun has outperformed in unintended areas. This adjustment should help create more counterplay in combat.
- Heavy Assault Rifle
- Increased damage from 36/38/40 to 38/40/42
- The Heavy Assault Rifle usage rates aren’t quite where we’d like. This adjustment to Damage is intended to offset some of the downsides of the weapon.
- Supply Llama
- Increased the material count from 200 of each to 350 of each
- Increased the total number of Llamas per match from 3 to 5
Prefabs and Galleries
- Added 4 New Prefabs:
- Kevin Lake House Island
- Kevin Destroyed Cube Island
- Kevin Destroyed Dino Island
- Kevin Destroyed House Island
- Added 11 New Galleries:
- Kevin Cube Gallery
- Kevin Cube Shards Prop Gallery
- Kevin Island
- Kevin Destroyed Island
- Kevin Particle Gallery
- Lake House Roof & Wall Gallery
- Lake House Floor & Stair Gallery
- Lake House Island Prop Gallery
- Rock & Root Nature Gallery
- Note: We’re aware of an issue where some of these assets will delete themselves if placed in certain ways with the Phone.
Save the World
Missions + Systems
- 14 Days of Summer is here!
- Complete a new quest every day to help Homebase host a hot summer party!
- Complete all 14 days to unlock a new weapon!
- Complete quest to earn Summer Tickets
- Check the X-ray store daily for free llamas!
- The fun begins on June 25, 9 AM Eastern Time
- New Wargames Simulation: Shortcut
- Strange doors are appearing near the enemy spawners. When husks get near one of these doors they are teleported to one of the exit doors closer to your fort.
- Some husks that travel through these doors gain elemental effects.
- A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Wargames Challenges.
- Astro Bat 9000 swings into the Weekly Store
- A quick striking bat with high damage and low impact.
- Energy Slam: Heavy attack that launches an explosive energy ball at enemies, dealing damage in an area.
- Available from June 26 at 8 PM Eastern Time until July 3 at 8 PM Eastern Time.