Server gets revenge on “Karen” for not tipping on $650 order

Kawter Abed
Server gets revenge on “Karen” for not tipping on $650 order

A server has gone viral on TikTok after sharing how he got revenge on a rude customer for not tipping on a $650 order.

Content creator and server Dean Redmond (deanredmonds) took to TikTok to reveal what he did in response to one entitled “Karen” who did not tip on a $650 take-out order.

Dean explained that the customer placed a 50-item order at 9am. He called her back to ask if she could give them just 30 minutes more to finish preparing her order. “She’s like, ‘Uh if you are asking… no,'” Dean recounted, saying she hung up the phone before he could ask her a follow-up question.

At 9:30am, the woman came through the door confronting one of his co-workers. Dean then approached her and politely reminded her that he’d told her over the phone that they needed 30 more minutes.

“‘No, you asked me if we could give you 30 more minutes to which I said no,'” the customer responded. “‘Everytime we do this order from Panera or Chipotle they have no issues.'”

The TikToker said he clarified the restaurant was neither Panera or Chipotle and offered her a seat while she waited for her order. He then shared his disbelief when he found out she didn’t leave a tip. “She doesn’t tip on a $650 order!! Not $5 not $2… nothing! No thank yous… leaves!” he said.

But it didn’t end there, as the woman came back 40 minutes later to complain that her sandwiches were “dry” and lacking condiments. Dean then escorted her to the self-serve station to pack her own sauces.

However, his restaurant would later receive a negative review alleging that the staff deliberately served the woman dry sandwiches because she came in early. Dean and his co-workers were livid at this point, and decided they had to take action.

They found out the customer’s name from the Yelp review and decided to give this “Karen” a taste of her own medicine. After Googling her name, they discovered that she worked as a financial sales nearby.

The server and his co-workers went on to write bad reviews from their parents’ accounts, naming the customer in each one. “Hope you like those Meredith,” Dean added, smirking at the camera.