Shroud “could have died” in brutal scooter accident, explains housemate Just9n

Twitch streamer Michael ‘shroud‘ Grzesiek is currently out of action on his channel after some nasty injuries have left him in need of an operation. His housemate, fellow streamer Justin ‘Just9n’ Ortiz, has explained that shroud is lucky to be alive.
Grzesiek alerted his followers to his injury on March 11, saying he “might be out of commission for a bit”, and was heading in for an operation on his elbow.
Although he didn’t go into any great detail, it was clear the injury was serious enough to require immediate attention – though, thankfully, his right arm (i.e. his famous aiming arm) was relatively unscathed.
It’s my left arm, dw the aims still there. Movement might be a little slow as I recover :p.
— Michael Grzesiek (@shroud) March 11, 2019
His millions of fans were obviously concerned, and with shroud himself in hospital, his longtime friend Just9n, also a former professional CS:GO player, explained more details of the situation on his own channel.
He explained that shroud was out riding on his motorized scooter, which Just9n claims tops out at around 55mph – and shroud was going almost max speed at the time.
“He hit the brakes too hard, and he flew over the handle bars about 10 to 12 feet, on to the asphalt. Now, being Mike, he’s looking out for his right arm, he fell on his left arm – all of his weight. He got a bunch of ‘road rash’ from about his hip down to the middle of his thigh, it’s all purple and blue, all fucked up.”
As for his elbow, Just9n explains he “put a huge hole in his elbow, and from what I understand, he tore a ligament and removed a piece of the bone from the elbow. So, they need to go in and reattach that bone. I think the bone might have been fractured as well.”
Just9n explains that shroud will possibly undergo two surgeries, depending on if any infection is found. He was also not wearing a helmet at the time, meaning the injuries could have been a lot worse:
“This man could have easily just died, I don’t know if you guys understand the severity of what I’m saying, but he could very literally just not be here with us right now, because of how serious this fall was.”
Certainly, from Just9n’s description, it will be some time before shroud makes a full recovery from his elbow injury, but at least his aiming hand is in good shape.
He only recently surpassed 100,000 subscribers on his Twitch channel – and this is not the way he would have planned to celebrate such a milestone.