PewDiePie Takes Aim at Polygon, Claiming Bias in Article Towards Female Twitch Streamer Amouranth

YouTuber PewDiePie finds himself in the middle of another controversy involving women on Twitch, although this time his issue is more with the media coverage of these women.

Polygon wrote an article that discussed the abuse of female Twitch streamer Amouranth, including how the derogatory term ‘Twitch thot’ is becoming normalized.

It was this article that PewDiePie took issue with in his latest video, claiming the Polygon article was biased and ignored key details about Amouranth.

PewDiePie was careful to not attack Amouranth directly, censoring her face and not referring to her by name throughout his video, though it would not be hard for anyone watching to figure out who he was talking about.

His first issue is with Polygon not giving any background on Amouranth, notably the famous video where she was asked to stop live streaming in the gym.

“I find it interesting how Polygon doesn’t mention this video anywhere in the article. Obviously they don’t have to mention it, but again Google any Polygon article with me in it and you’ll be damn sure they’ll bring up my entire history feed… Why the different treatment?”

After questioning the perceived different treatment, PewDiePie seems to answer his own question.

“Now, the main reason for this article isn’t because of this clip, so it’s again, fine. Fine. I just find it interesting.”

PewDiePie then moves on to the reason the article was written, the abuse Aumorath has received in the wake of a rumor about her hiding her marriage to keep getting donations.

Although instead of addressing the abuse, PewDiePie focuses on a comment Amouranth made in the article.

“Polygon and the streamer say, ‘People don’t donate to [Amouranth] because they think it improves their chances with [Amouranth] in some romantic way.’ That just isn’t true.”  

His next issue is with the Senior Editor of Polygon, who shut down the comment section and called Amouranth a victim.

“Victim. Interesting choice of words. As long as you’re a victim, you are not allowed to be criticized. Senior Editor of Polygon, everybody. Absolute saint. What a hero.”

“Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with people being harassed. You think I’ve never gotten harassed? You think I would get the same treatment from Polygon?”

PewDiePie then circles back to the quote about Amouranth thinking people don’t donate to her because it increases their chances of being romantically involved.

“If you don’t want to tell people that you are in a relationship, I’m absolutely fine with that and I would never assume that someone donates because of some romantic way, but why would she lie about her marriage then? I don’t care if she shows off her body and she gets donations that way. I don’t care if she lies to get more money. [The issue] is walking the line of pretending that you don’t know what you’re up to.”

The article PewDiePie is talking about can be found here, and his video can be seen below: