Fnatic CSGO announce return of Flusha and Golden

Kamil Malinowski

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive titans Fnatic have announced the return of Robin ‘flusha’ Rönnquist and Maikil ‘Golden’ Kunda Selim.

Fnatic have announced the final two players for their renewed CSGO roster, with veteran player flusha and ex-In Game Leader Golden returning to the squad after their time with Cloud9.

Both players left Fnatic in late 2018 and joined an international Cloud9 experiment which never really took off and fell apart after just a few months. They have both been inactive for a large part of 2019 and after rumors of the pair practicing with the squad, they are finally set to make their return.

WESGOne of Fnatic’s oldest players, flusha, returns to the squad.

Fnatic announced the arrival of the two players on September 16, with flusha joining permanently after taking a break from the game while Golden arrives on loan from the Cloud9 bench until the end of 2019.

Both flusha and Golden have expressed their excitement at returning to the team, “I am extremely excited to return to where it all began for me. I’m happy to be back with the guys and lead this team” said the young IGL. 

Meanwhile, Robin stated “It feels great to be back in Fnatic, where most of my fondest CS:GO memories were created – and, hopefully, there will be even more in the future.”

Flusha also spoke about his break from CSGO and future hopes. He said that he reflected on his career and aims to come back to the top, while highlighting his excitement to play with up and coming players such as Fnatic’s Ludvig ‘Brollan’ Brolin. 

The new squad will be in action almost immediately, with an ECS Season 8 match against Heretics scheduled to take place on September 16, just a few hours after the initial announcement. 

Fnatic’s roster is now: 

  • Jesper ‘JW’ Wecksell
  • Freddy ‘KRIMZ’ Johansson
  • Ludvig ‘Brollan’ Brolin
  • Robin ‘flusha’ Rönnquist
  • Maikil ‘Golden’ Selim (loan)
  • Andreas ‘Samuelsson’ Samuelsson (coach)