Modern Warfare’s pre-order numbers prove CoD isn’t dying

As Black Ops 4 comes to the end of its life cycle, the impressive number of pre-orders for Infinity Ward’s upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, emphasize that CoD is far from dead.
In recent years, it has been common for Call of Duty games to receive backlash, as many community members criticize the series for moving away from the roots of the franchise, typically for the inclusion of advanced movement or ‘specialist’ characters.
However, as the series returns to the Modern Warfare setting, it seems that players are as excited as they have ever been about an upcoming CoD title.
Modern Warfare will see the return of fan favorite characters, such as Captain Price.
GameStop, the largest American physical video game retailer, has released their top 10 most pre-ordered games following the E3 gaming conference in Los Angeles.
The post details the “top 10 most sought-after video games coming out of E3 based on the number of customer pre-orders from the world’s largest video game retailer. With more than 200 title announcements at E3 last week, the gaming community has spoken on what their top 2019 E3 video games choices are, and there maybe a few surprises.”
Dedicated gamers will recognize a number of the titles that feature on the list, including the Final Fantasy VII Remake, and CD Projekt Red’s hugely anticipated Cyberpunk 2077. However, on the top of the pile is – you guessed it – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
The top 10 list, in full.600
While anticipation is undoubtedly high, much remains unclear about Infinity Ward’s latest installment to the Modern Warfare series.
They have, at the time of writing, only released one screenshot for multiplayer, and one for spec ops – a mode which has been confirmed to be returning, with Zombies ruled out.
Despite all of the negativity that has surrounded the recent Call of Duty games, it appears that a new one can still appeal to the masses, as to top a list of such prestigious games is an impressive achievement.