Modern Warfare: New mode, level cap and more for PS4 open beta

Day three of the Modern Warfare beta is bringing a host of changes, with Infinity Ward adding a new game mode, a playlist filter and an increased level cap to multiplayer testing ahead of the open beta coming to PS4.
The open beta is scheduled to go live as of 10AM PT / 1PM EST / 6PM BST on PlayStation 4, and as more players come flooding in, more content is set to be added.
Thus far, Infinity Ward have kept players enticed by way of content; adding a new map called Gun Runner, and introducing an entirely new game mode to the Call of Duty franchise, Cyber-Attack.

Given the developer’s ongoing transparency and willingness to respond to community feedback, they have regularly been updating the Modern Warfare subreddit to keep fans in-the-loop with the beta.
Senior Communications Manager, Ashton Williams, has revealed exactly what to expect by way of content in the third day through a Reddit post that also summarized day two.

At the foot of the post, Williams explained that: “The game mode filter will be unlocked, allowing you to pick which mode (or modes) you’d like to play… We will also increase the level cap to level 20.”
Alongside these changes, the update will see the addition of the Night Vision Goggles or “NVG” game mode — previously a focal point during their multiplayer reveal.
Essentially, players will be placed in a darkened render of either Azhir Cave or Hackney Yard, with the ability to utilize NVGs to assist with spotting enemies.

Although the use of NVGs will come with one major caveat: players will not be able to directly aim-down-sight during gunfights. Players will have the ability to toggle NVGs on/off, but the creation of an entire game mode around them suggests that they’ll be a focal point to gameplay.
Moreover, the introduction of visual assistance will support the ‘realism’ mode set to be incorporated into the latest iteration of the franchise. The game mode will also strip players of their heads-up-display (HUD) and remove hit markers, meaning that players will depend on their NVGs more than ever.
Modern Warfare beta maps and modes (Day 3)
- TDM: Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner
- DOM: Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner
- HQ: Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner
- HQ: 10v10 Grazna Raid
- DOM: 10v10 Grazna Raid
- Featured Playlist: Cyber Attack – Azhir Cave (Day), Hackney Yard (Day), Gun Runner, Grazna Raid
- Featured Playlist: NVG – Azhir Cave (Night), Hackney Yard (Night) – TDM, DOM, HQ.