Infinity Ward respond to Modern Warfare’s spawn system complaints

Infinity Ward have responded to complaints from Call of Duty fans regarding Modern Warfare’s spawn system, which has caused issues throughout the second beta weekend.
Modern Warfare’s final beta period is drawing to a close, with players hopping into their last few games hoping to get a taste of things to come when the full game launches in October, and help Infinity Ward iron out any issues before fans get their hands on the title.
One of those problems according to beta players is the spawn system, with many heading to the /r/ModernWarfare subreddit to voice their annoyance at the current state of respawning.

In a post uploaded by /u/Finesse141, he claimed he had just receieved the “Guinness World Record for the worst spawn in MW beta so far, including a clip to show what he had just witnessed.
In a game of Domination, the player tried to defend the B flag, but got sniped for his efforts. Upon respawning, it’s fairly usual to pop up surrounded by your teammates, but for /u/Finesse141, he was met by a barrage of opponents, who promptly fired their weapons and sent him packing for the second time in mere seconds.
While the player was clearly upset, Infinity Ward have confirmed that they are aware of the frustrations surrounding the system, and plan to address them before the game’s full release on October 25.
In a comment left on the post, the development team’s Senior Communications Manager Ashton ‘ashonisVULCAN’ Williams stated: “Yeah, spawns are getting some love before launch,” before thanking the player for their video.
What form those changes will take once Infinity Ward gets their hands back on Modern Warfare remain to be seen, but fans will be hopeful that instances like this, where they spawn surrounded by their opponent with no chance to react, will be a thing of the past.
The purpose of multiplayer betas are to aid in the final stages of development, so while it may be frustrating, finding these problems now will likely mean they are less prevalent when the game is released on Friday, October 25.