Baldur’s Gate 3 players aren’t sold on Act 3’s most consequential decision

Theo Burman
Baldur's Gate 3 skull construct in Astral Plane

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are taking a closer look at some of Act 3’s biggest moments, and some of them don’t hold up under scrutiny.

By now, it’s common knowledge that Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t hit quite as hard as the first two. The streamlined progress of the first two areas get replaced with a sprawling, and oftentimes overwhelming city, which is more of a chore to explore despite being the name of the game.

Additionally, there are some story elements here that don’t match the emotional highs of the first two acts. Baldur’s Gate players are used to literally being spoilt for choice; if there are less than four dialogue options in a conversation that’s usually an outlier.

This is why some players find the strangely restricted choice at the end of the game in Act 3 so underwhelming.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players brand Act 3’s big choice as “forced”

One player summarised the situation on Reddit, saying: “So the big choice – choosing between The Emperor and The Prince. I didn’t like it. It feels so forced. I don’t see why we cannot convince The Emperor to just team up with The Prince.

“It feels so arbitrary, given he’s supposedly such a grand strategist. It sucked and I’m sad about it. I know a lot of people like this choice, but I just don’t see it.”

Several other players agreed, with one suggesting: “I think the conflict itself is fine, but it would probably be less controversial if we could persuade the Emperor to wait just a moment, then as soon as we released Orpheus, the prince attacked the Emperor, making him flee through the portal immediately.”

Another joked: “I do feel like a large chunk of this game is managing the oversized egos of adult children.”