Baldur’s Gate 3 player ruins cutscene with hilarious dinosaur glitch

Scott Baird
A Wild Shape Dinosaur Baldur's Gate 3

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player accidentally ruined one of the most important scenes in a Dark Urge run, thanks to a dinosaur glitch gone wrong.

While Baldur’s Gate 3 is set in a fantasy world, it still has plenty of real-world creatures and extinct animals. Case in point: dinosaurs still exist in the Forgotten Realms, where they freely roam parts of the world.

D&D players can unleash the power of dinosaurs by transforming them using magic or befriending and training them, like some prehistoric Pokemon trainer. Druids and Rangers are especially good at doing this due to their connection to primal magic.

The problem with transforming into animals in Baldur’s Gate 3 is that the game tends to glitch out if the ability isn’t canceled before entering a cutscene. This resulted in a hilarious situation that involved a silent dinosaur conquering one of the most powerful foes in the game.

A Druid from the Baldur's Gate 3 accolades trailer

Turning into a dinosaur can break cutscenes in Baldur’s Gate 3

A user on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit has shared a hilarious cutscene that occurred when they defeated Orin while using the Druid’s Wild Shape ability, turning into a Dilophosaurus, causing the pivotal moment that followed to play out with a silent dinosaur.

The scene where you defeat Orin is important for a Dark Urge character, as it gives them a chance to embrace their bloodline and take on the power of a Slayer or reject their dark desires and defeat the evil machinations of the God of Murder.

Usually, this scene happens when Tav is in their regular form. Thanks to the Wild Shape glitch, the unlucky player above had to witness this vital moment play out with a silent dinosaur, who could only blink angrily in response as they cast off Bhaal’s will.

Considering the sheer amount of little touches that Baldur’s Gate 3 has, it’s surprising that there aren’t full animations for taking in animal form while using Wild Shape. Then again, the developers had a million other things to do, and playing as a chatty Owlbear probably wasn’t high on the list.

Transforming into a dinosaur is one of the many fun powers you can use in Baldur’s Gate 3, especially as it’s part of the setting that the devs could easily have ignored. It’s just a shame they can mess up the cutscenes, but at least they’re funny when they do.