‘Secret’ passive ability found with Gibraltar’s shield in Apex Legends

Joe Craven
Gibraltar's gun shield stopping bullets

An Apex Legends player has shared their discovery of a ‘secret’ passive ability relating to gentle giant Gibraltar. Did you know this existed? 

Whenever a game revolves around uniquely-skilled characters, there are bound to be calls for nerfs and buffs. The way the legends interact with each other and the environment around them is central to Apex Legends, but balancing can often prove an incredibly difficult task.

While Gibraltar’s slower speed and monumental hit-box saw him initially unpopular in Apex Legends, he has come into his own as the game has aged and the meta has shifted. His Gun Shield and Dome of Protection make him the perfect legend to soak up offensive pressure, while his teammates look for ways to counter.

Respawn Entertainment
Gibraltar is Apex Legends’ gentle giant.

It is his Gun Shield that was brought under the microscope by one player, who pointed out a ‘secret’ passive ability, that enables players to recharge it much faster than the standard nine seconds.

“I’ve become aware nobody realizes this so I’ve come here to spread the word and inform as many people as possible,” u/TheRealboi77 said. “Once you have broken Gibraltar’s gun shield, if he uses one shield cell it’s automatically recharged. So in hindsight let’s say you are 1v1ing a Gibraltar (god knows that’s the worst case scenario) you each pop a cell he gains 75 hp and you gain 25.”

“This is so insanely OP and nobody even realizes it,” they finished. “And let’s say he doesn’t use a cell, then it’s only an 8 second recharge on it. Still super stupid good and highly overlooked.”

Gibraltar is already one of Apex Legends’ most popular characters, but this passive ability means he can soak up even more damage than most players realize. His Gun Shield can essentially skip it’s recharge time and be fully restored through a single Shield Cell, which takes just 3 seconds to use.

As the player states, this means Shield Cells can essentially provide Gibraltar with 75 health, as opposed to the 25 they provide for every other legend. Whether you already knew this or are finding out for the first time, it makes Gibraltar all the more powerful.