Pokemon Go trainers split after recent map changes affect spawns

Dylan Horetski
Pokemon Go Spawn Points

The community of Pokemon Go players is left split after recent map changes have affected in-game spawn points in different ways for players.

On October 20, 2022, Niantic revealed that they had plans to update the in-game map for the first time in nearly three years.

The update would affect the general road layout, Pokestop, and Gym locations, as well as locations of wild spawns.

The changes have been rolling out since the announcement, and trainers’ thoughts are split after the updates affect their local spawns in different ways.

Trainers split after Pokemon GO map update affects spawns

pokemon go mapNiantic announced it would update Pokemon Go’s map for the first time in three years.

On November 3, Reddit user ringlord_1 posted in the r/TheSilphRoad subreddit to share their thoughts on the recent map changes around them.

“I opened my game multiple times today and every time I have 4-5 pokemon spawns on the map. Before if I didn’t go out I would catch less than 5 pokemon per day,” they said.

“I have no words. This feels like the biggest benefit to my gameplay. Earlier my 15 minutes walk would yield one or 2 encounters without the incense. Excited to try it out now.”

Trainers quickly took to the post to share their opinions on the recent changes, and it’s a bit split between players loving it and hating it.

“I made a big PokeStop area next to my house 6 months ago and had maybe 20 max spawns all over it. Now it exceeds 70 easy! This change is huge!” one user replied.

Another user, however, explained they have the opposite problem: “I’m having the opposite problem. I open and have one. Keep it open and one spawn maybe every 15 minutes? I’m used to waking up and playing and having 5-6 Pokémon in my back yard”

A third user explained: “I feel like the spawns at my house decreased, I was getting about 3-4 spawns per hour… now I’m getting 1-2 spawns.”

About The Author

Dylan is a Senior Writer for Dexerto with knowledge in keyboards, headsets, and live streaming hardware. Outside of tech, he knows the latest happenings around Twitch, YouTube, and TikTok. Contact Dylan at Dylan.Horetski@Dexerto.com