Who’s the Sith in the The Acolyte trailer?

Kayla Harrington
A hand holding a Sith red light saber

Star Wars: The Acolyte just released its first trailer and it ends with a Sith Lord grabbing a red lightsaber, but who exactly is this Sith?

At long last, Star Wars‘ latest mini-series The Acolyte has released its first trailer that includes numerous knife duels and Jedis using a lightsaber, which has fans extremely excited for the show.

The Acolyte is a brand new concept within the live-action Star Wars universe as it traces the origin of the Sith’s rise to power within the galaxy.

The final moments of the first trailer actually show a Sith Lord catching the order’s signature light saber in their hand, but who is this Sith Lord? Here’s everything we know.

Who is the Sith Lord in The Acolyte trailer?

Fans believe the Sith Lord in The Acolyte trailer is either Darth Plagueis or Darth Tenebrous.

The Acolyte will take place about 100 years before the events of The Phantom Menace, which is canonically the first movie in the Star Wars franchise, so it can’t be any fan-favorite Siths like Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine.

However, many hardcore Star Wars fans believe that the Sith Lord shown at the end of the trailer could be linked to these two Siths as Darth Plagueis was Palpatine’s master and Darth Tenebrous trained Plagueis.

Fans believe Darth Plagueis could be in the show because he died in 67BBY and the show will take place 100 years before Phantom Menace, which happened in 32 BBY, so we could be seeing him in his prime.

However, some fans argue that The Acolyte timeline could be occurring just before Plagueis’ time as a Sith Lord. We could be meeting his master Darth Tenebrous, whom Plagueis actually killed because only one Sith master and apprentice pair could exist at the time when the Sith were trying to rebuild their Order.

You can find out which Sith Lord theory is correct when The Acolyte premieres on Disney+ on June 5.