She-Hulk Episode 8 review: This is what you’ve been waiting for

Lucy-Jo Finnighan

This penultimate episode of She-Hulk features a very familiar and welcomed face, along with a bunch of other action-packed elements.

The eighth episode of Marvel‘s newest series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, has now premiered on Disney+. The show follows Jen Walters (Tatiana Maslany), a lawyer who also happens to be a Hulk, as she attempts to survive the courtroom, her dating life, and those who keep trying to attack her.

Episode 8 – titled “Ribbit and Rip it” is the penultimate episode of this season, which features Jen trying to save a fashion designer from another client, as well as a certain someone showing up. It sure has a great setup for a finale, along with some other great things.

Let’s get into it. But first, warning: spoilers for Episode 8 of She-Hulk to follow…

She-Hulk Episode 8: Yes, Daredevil is back

Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way, shall we? Daredevil (Charlie Cox) is in this episode, and boy is it great to see him. Even amid concerns that his upcoming show with Disney+ will water down the character from the Netflix series, it’s still amazing to watch him work on screen.

He’s more light-hearted, but thankfully not unbearably so (yet, at least), and Cox has charming chemistry with Maslany, where we can even look past her poor CGI – though thankfully she’s human for most of their interactions. And of course, the hallway scene. Invoking iconography may be Marvel’s cheapest tactic, but even we’re not impervious to it.

The whole main action of the episode is fun in general. The villain of the episode, Leap-Frog (Brandon Stanley), is a fun pathetic villain, and while the series’ fashion designer character that gets kidnapped, Luke Jacobson (Griffin Matthews), may be a walking stereotype of a fashion designer, the whole situation still makes for some campy fun.

The episode is filled with fun action as a whole, be it legal action or action-action. Which does well to build a false sense of security before the overarching events of the series fall into place.

She-Hulk has her 11th hour

This is the episode where the Intelligencia strikes, and while the use of the fourth wall may not be something we love, the lampshading Jen provides, predicting that something bad is going to happen, does help build a good sense of dread, which the episode then fulfils.

The scene where the Intelligencia hijack the Female Lawyer of the Year gala is frankly uncomfortable to watch, as an event that is meant to empower women being violated by internet-rotted men isn’t very far from reality, akin to Reddit threads planning to harass people at women’s marches or the epidemic of female celebrities’ (Miley Cyrus comes to mind) phones getting hacked and their nudes being posted across the web.

The events that follow put Jenn in more of a similar position to her cousin Bruce Banner, in that she is being treated like a monster, which, if you’ve been keeping up with out reviews, you will know that that’s something we’ve been wanting for a while now.

Therefore, if She-Hulk sticks the landing, it could turn into the show that we’ve wanted all along.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law episode 9 will be available to stream on Disney+ on October 13.