Quiet on Set: “Secret Amanda Bynes account” makes shocking claim

Daisy Phillipson
Image of Amanda Bynes now and in the Amanda Show

A shocking claim made by Amanda Bynes’ alleged secret Twitter account has been circulating following the release of Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV. 

The Amanda Show star — whose career and relationship with her former boss, Dan Schneider, is discussed in the ID true crime docuseries — has long claimed to be behind the Ashley Banks X page, stating she set it up years ago as her parents were controlling everything she did under her conservatorship.

In light of Quiet on Set’s release, a number of tweets from the Banks account have been circulating, including one shared in 2017 that states: “Can you imagine having an abortion at 13 because your boss impregnated you?”

That same year, the page holder shared an image of Bynes’ driver’s license, writing: “It is ME! Authentic. Often imitated but never duplicated. I refuse to be silenced.” The posts have left spectators questioning whether the Amanda Show star was making the accusations about Schneider. 

In a TikTok video shared yesterday (March 19), user @kadishalynnnn unveils a series of these tweets, including the pregnancy claim. “Amanda Bynes explained the truth about Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon and her secret Twitter account years ago,” she explains. 

Kadisha notes how “the secret account went by the name of Ashley banks, and she said she created this account at the time because her parents were controlling everything that she was doing and she wanted the truth to be heard. 

“She was explaining the truth about a lot of different things, including things that had to do with her, her family, and even other people in Hollywood. She was also crying out for help on this Twitter account, and saying that they were stealing her money. And that’s why she was placed in this conservatorship.”

Speaking about the pregnancy post, the TikToker says, “This tweet was probably the most heartbreaking to hear about how she was impregnated when she was 13 by her boss, and who else would have been her boss when she was 13 years old?”

Elsewhere in the video, which has amassed more than 1.9 million views at the time of writing, she highlights a series of other messages from the secret account accusing John Travolta of being a sexual abuser. 

“White privilege at its best. John Travolta is a sexual monster,” says one post, while another reads, “It bothers me that John Travolta is not being treated as Bill Cosby is. John Travolta is a pervert. I know this.” Kadisha points out that Bynes starred alongside Travolta in the 2007 remake of Hairspray. 

At the time, the official Amanda Bynes account discredited the Ashley Banks page. In response, the Banks account claimed her parents were controlling her official page. 

Fans show support to Amanda Bynes

It’s important to note that none of these claims have been verified. But in the wake of Quiet on Set, there has been an outpouring of support for Bynes. Journalist Liz Crokin has also been sharing tweets from Banks, comparing Bynes’ situation to Britney Spears’ conservatorship. 

In response, one X user wrote: “Absolutely horrifying. We must protect the children. The fact that this was put on for entertainment for so many of us growing up and meanwhile this happened in the background is revolting.”

“I have been praying for her for years. I grew up watching her, she made me laugh and forget the hard times I had as a child. I only wish her to have complete restoration,” added another. 

Kadisha’s video has received hundreds of comments sharing similar messages. “I believe her,” wrote one, while another said, “I grew up watching The Amanda Show and this breaks my heart into a trillion pieces.” A third added, “I really hope she gets to tell her story one day.”

Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV is available on ID and Max, which you can sign up for here. Read more about Brian Peck’s connection to John Wayne Gacy here, and check out all of the true crime and documentaries heading to streaming this month here.

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