Pokemon Go bans players abusing XL candy exploit in Routes

Brianna Reeves
pokemon go xl candy exploit

Pokemon Go players have learned that developer Niantic will ban anyone who using the XL candy exploit in Routes.

POGO users recently discovered an exploit that unlocks XL candy at a shockingly fast pace with a bug in the Routes feature. Essentially, the exploit functions by eliminating the speed cap on Route progress.

Some wasted no time taking advantage, running Pokemon Go and other third-party apps at night while they slept. One YouTuber who helped bring the exploit to the public’s attention claimed to earn 100-plus XL candies per hour.

The jig is up now, though. Apparently, Niantic has also learned about the scheme. Its response? Issuing bans to those who took advantage.

Niantic is banning players for using the XL candy exploit

Posting in TheSliphRoad subreddit, user milotic03 noted that some POGO fans are being banned for the XL candy exploit in Routes.

Reportedly, some have received 30-day suspensions, while other bans will last up to 230 days. Further infractions could result in permanent bans, a message from Niantic warned. Presumably, the severity of the punishment relates to how much XL candy was farmed during the exploit attempts.

Specifics aside, these claims further prove that Niantic doesn’t take kindly to players working around in-game systems by illegitimate means.

Based on comments in the Reddit thread, not many people feel too bad about those affected by bans. Someone called the bans a “great thing.” Another person wrote, “Good. I wish they would get more aggressive with cheaters.”

Perhaps Niantic’s response to the XL candy exploit will serve as a lesson to Pokemon Go cheaters going forward. Evidently, the studio’s previous anti-cheat methods only covered so much ground.