Watch New York Excelsior Fans Go Wild for Their Team’s Stage 3 Playoff Victory

Joe O'Brien

New York Excelsior fans went mad for their team’s victory in the Stage 3 playoffs at a viewing party in New York.

The moment of the Exceslior’s victory over Boston Uprising to claim the Stage 3 Playoff title was caught on camera as a viewing party of local fans erupted in cheers.

New York Excelsior features one of three all-Korean rosters in the Overwatch League, but despite their lack of a direct connection to the city they represent the team doesn’t seem to have struggled in capturing the hearts of local fans.

It’s not hard to see why either. The Excelsior are the most successful team in the league by a huge margin, topping the regular season standings and claiming the last two stage playoffs.

In addition to the results, NYXL also features some of the most compelling players in the league, from Support marvel Bang ‘JJoNak’ Sung-hyeon to Big Boss Kim ‘Pine’ Do-hyeon.

As NYXL faced off against Boston Uprising for the Stage 3 title, New York Excelsior fan club 5 Deadly Venoms were watching from Mr Wu’s Basement in Chinatown, New York, to catch the team’s Stage 3 playoff run. Needless to say, the Excelsior fans were happy with the result.

Esports journalist Rod ‘Slasher’ Breslau was also in attendance when New York took the title.

The NYXL remain the top team in the league by every metric, with two stage titles to their name and leading the overall regular season standings by a clear margin. Their position is so comfortable that the team is already guaranteed a spot in the end-of-season playoffs, but they will undoubtedly be looking for a third consecutive stage victory before then in Stage 4.