Top 10 least-played League of Legends champions in ranked

Liam Ho
Earthrune Skarner Splash Art

League of Legends offers players over 160 different characters to play around with, however, some champions don’t see nearly as much play as others. Here are the top 10 least-played League of Legends champions in Ranked Solo Duo.

Like in all online games, some champions in League of Legends don’t see as much playtime as the popular ones. For every Yasuo, Kai’sa, and Lux, you’ve got your Yoricks, Iverns, and Skarners. Here are the 10 least popular champions in League of Legends according to

10. Zoe

Zoe Splash Art in LoL
Zoe’s capability to one hit enemy champions was far too potent, but her kit has ended up underwhelming after nerfs.

Zoe used to be one of the most powerful mages in all of League of Legends. With her immense amount of burst from Paddle Star, she was capable of getting picks and one-shotting enemy carries before the fight even started.

Because of this players absolutely despise playing against the champion, and Riot has kept her under close wraps so she doesn’t take over pro play. Ever since her nerfs she’s been left in an underwhelming spot, and fewer players want to pick her up.

9. Quinn

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Quinn is considered more of a cheese pick, and doesn’t provide much in the late game for her team.

Top lane bully Quinn ends up being one of the less popular champions in League. The ranged carry is able to sufficiently bully out enemy laners thanks to her range and poke, keeping enemies at a distance. Her ultimate is great for roaming around the map, impacting both mid and jungle.

Despite this, Quinn still remains as a bit of a cheese pick for the role and provides little to nothing for her team when it comes to late game. If a Quinn doesn’t get ahead in the early game, she ends up being almost useless, whereas a tank champion can CC enemies and take damage in team fights. On top of this, she’s just generally not a very exciting or play making champion, resulting in people skipping over her.

8. Kennen

Kennen Splash Art
Kennen’s ability to engage a teamfight is unmatched in pro play, but isn’t as desirable in solo queue.

Kennen has always been one of the champions that have flown under the radar. As a pocket pick, the champion is only really used in professional play as a powerful team fight engage. However, in solo queue, Kennen isn’t anywhere near as popular because there isn’t the same level of coordination in the mode.

7. Singed

Singed Classic Splash Art League of Legends
Singed lacks a real way of fighting enemy laners, making him a relatively unpopular champion in solo queue.

Singed’s unconventional playstyle easily places him as one of the less popular champions in League of Legends. With no way to really attack champions outside of his Poison Trail, he relies purely on a hit-and-run playstyle and hopes that enemies will follow him through the poison for damage.

On top of that, his laning phase is incredibly weak, making him unoptimal for solo queue unless you’re a one trick.

6. Renata Glasc

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Renata’s unconventional way of supporting her allies makes her a less desirable pick for solo queue.

Renata Glasc is known for her unconventional supportive playstyle. As a ruthless Chem-Baron from Zaun, she helps her teammates with dirty tricks and unethical plays. Despite this, she still fills the role of an enchanter support, which is already populated by several popular champions already. Because of this she’s often left to the wayside, and is here on this list.

5. Elise

Elise Splash Art
Once a powerful and dominant pick, Elise has seen better days in League of Legends.

Spider Queen Elise sees herself as one of the least popular junglers in League. A powerful early-game jungler, Elise is capable of quickly taking over games with her immense burst damage and pick potential. The character was so notorious that she was picked in professional play pretty consistently.

Since her time in the spotlight, many other early-game powerhouses have joined the jungle roster. And with the complaints many players have had about the jungle’s strength, the role has been tuned down significantly, leaving champions like Elise a thing of the past.

4. Kled

Kled Splash Art
Kled’s low mobility and unpredictable playstyle leaves him as a less popular pick in solo queue.

Noxian Warlord Kled ends up being less popular than many of the other champions in League. The top lane bruiser fighter relies on his good pal Skarl to assist him in battle, giving him a second health pool. Kled mainly uses his W to trade with enemies, giving him a ridiculously strong burst combo if he can get all strikes off.

However, his limited range and mobility make him a more niche pick that only one tricks of the champion really seem to enjoy.

3. Corki

Corki Splash Art
Corki never really found their footing as a popular champion in League of Legends.

Corki never really found their place as a champion in League of Legends. An ADC from an older time, Corki received a rework with several other ADCs which saw him become a mid laner. However his presence in pro play made him receive constant nerfs, and he was never popular for solo queue anyhow. This left him as just a generally unpopular character.

However, Corki is set to receive a revert to his kit in Patch 14.10, which may bring him back to the spotlight and make him more popular.

2. Taric

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Taric’s reworked kit seemed strong on the surface, but his clunky gameplay holds him back in popularity.

Targon support champion Taric sets himself up as one of the least popular characters in League of Legends. Before his rework in 2016, the champion barely saw any play, being labeled as a meme champion who wasn’t even worth a look. Unfortunately, his rework didn’t do much to change things, as his play rate still remains low to this day.

Relying on tethering to another ally, Taric’s kit seems incredibly powerful in theory. His ultimate is capable of making his entire team invulnerable, and with a stun that can be extended to his tethered ally, his abilities look strong on the surface. Despite this, his playstyle and clunky kit hold him back from being a more popular pick in today’s meta.

1. Ivern

Ivern splash art
As a supportive jungler, League players simply prefer other champions in the role.

Once a terrible Noxian warlord, Ivern’s villainy saw no end. That is until he was turned into a tree, who definitely seems zoinked out of his mind. Ivern is Riot’s take on a supportive jungler. The first of his kind, Ivern was designed specifically to work only in the jungle, with his passive allowing him to farm monsters without needing to actually fight.

Supports however are one of the least popular roles in the game, and with other more appealing champions in the jungle, Ivern fell by the wayside. His kit allows him to set up ganks, shield allies and even summon a Sentinel to fight enemies for him, but his abilities never sat well with the player base.