Helldivers 2 players call out griefers who “kill” the fun for newcomers

Brianna Reeves
helldivers 2 griefers

Helldivers 2 players are denouncing griefers who target newcomers and make it difficult for them to enjoy the co-op shooter.

Helldivers 2 faithful started ringing alarm bells about its griefing problem a while ago, specifically blasting those who use friendly fire to kill their teammates during extraction.

Because of this, a contingent of players want the developers to at least tone down the divisive friendly fire feature. Such talk will likely persist, too, especially since it seems as though the griefing issue won’t stop anytime soon.

One Reddit user called attention to as much in a recent post, claiming Helldivers 2’s troublemakers are killing the fun for newcomers.

Some griefers in Helldivers 2 specifically target new players

According to Redditor Kenju22, griefers have started going after newcomers. The player recommended Helldivers 2 to a friend, after convincing them that PS5 finally has a good co-op game they could enjoy together.

After a few matches where griefers ruined the fun, the friend gave up on the sequel and secured a refund. In their first mission, the Redditor’s friend joined a Level 27 Diver, thinking they were a helpful veteran trying to lend newbies a hand. Nope. The new player and the other two in the group were instantly killed by the higher-leveled user.

Later, the newbie joined a Level 25 player who seemed fine, until extraction came around and they eliminated the squad of newcomers after asking them about friendly fire. The OP added, “Total play time, less than 20 minutes, that was all it took to kill any interest they might have had in the game.”

helldivers 2 griefers

Naturally, numerous other Redditors joined in on blasting griefers in Helldivers 2. One person recalled playing a few matches with a newcomer who was killed by a random for no reason.

“I didn’t hesitate and shot the traitor on the spot,” the user commented with a salute emoji.

A few more people chimed in with similar stories involving friendly fire and griefing. Many of them also dealt with the dissidents accordingly.

Reads another comment, “I witnessed this happening to a lvl 1 in my game, a rando lvl 20 just kept teamkilling them… didn’t like it when I turned the tables on them! Still okay with that lvl 1 today too.”

If and when developer Arrowhead will address this ongoing issue remains unknown.