Genshin Impact devs vow legal action against cheaters ruining game

James Busby
Yelan with her arms crossed

Genshin Impact developers will be taking legal action against cheat makers and players who have been abusing a game-breaking plug-in. 

Like most multiplayer games, Genshin Impact occasionally gets affected by those who exploit the game through bugs or cheats. In this case, a number of Travelers have been caught using plug-ins to tamper with game data and intentionally disrupt the gaming experience of other Travelers. 

This plug-in enables cheaters to remove items from other Travelers’ accounts, which can have a drastic impact on story and character progression. Well, thanks to a recent crackdown, not only have the developers stated that they have successfully banned these accounts, but they have also fixed the accounts that have been impacted by these cheats. 

Genshin Impact devs respond to cheating plug-in ruining co-op

During a recent post on the official Genshin Impact Reddit page, the devs outlined what they aim to do to prevent such occurrences from happening in the future.

“To maintain fair play and protect the rights of Travelers, we have banned accounts using these plug-ins and will take legal action against developers, users, and disseminators of such plug-ins.” 

Genshin Impact characters
This new Genshin Impact cheat is ruining the online experience for others.

HoYoverse has also given the Genshin Impact community the following warning, in the hopes of deterring cheaters: 

“Currently, we have confirmed that developers and users of this plug-in are posting content in the community or on video sites disguising themselves as victims to confuse the public and incite panic. We will deal with such actions in accordance with the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and applicable laws and regulations.”

Genshin Impact developers have never shied away from punishing those who interfere with their game. In fact, the developers famously made headlines when they started cracking down on leakers, sending several prominent dataminers and leakers into hiding

It’s hoped that the latest wave of bans and subsequent legal action will deter future cheaters from exploiting the game and ruining the experience of other Travelers. If you have recently encountered a similar problem or have witnessed any cheats in-game, then you can report it to HoYoverse via their Customer Service team.