The Finals players demand nerf to OP explosive strategy “ruining” games

James Busby
The Finals character with a gun

An explosive strategy is wreaking havoc in The Finals and many players want the devs to nerf it before it’s too late.  

The Finals features plenty of unique weapons and class-specific abilities that can be used to give players an edge in the Battle Royale game. From deadly snipers to area denial gadgets like the Goo Grenade, there are plenty of ways to outwit opponents. 

However, one of the most OP strategies that is currently proving popular amongst players is the deadly C4 and barrel combo. When combined, this highly explosive strat can instantly kill even the tankiest of players and wipe out teams instantly when used to its full effect. 

The Finals players demand nerf to “unbalanced”C4 barrel strat

“My introduction to C4 barrels was getting nuked in the back by it, sitting through the team wipe counter, respawning, and immediately getting nuked by the same guy again. I’ve never been so tempted to rage quit,” said one frustrated player

“Yeah, when you are in a lobby of heavies doing this constantly (because why wouldn’t you) it turns the game from being insanely fun, to being the most unfun experience possible,” replied another

When highlighting how the developers should nerf this combo, many The Finals fans agreed that there was one simple fix. “Attached items should cause thrown objects to fall much faster,” said another commenter. “Canisters shouldn’t fly in a straight line, they should nosedive if they have attachments.”

However, players have found that this problem is only tied to the C4 and canister combo. “Interestingly, when you put mines on an explosive barrel, it flies significantly slower and slightly downward,” replied one player. “I think they just need to add weight to the C4 as well.”

Getting squad wiped or insta-killed to this explosive strategy is certainly frustrating, so the game’s community hopes the devs will nerf it sooner rather than later.