Pokemon Go trainer devastated as Go Plus+ reveals insane Shiny encounters they missed

Jessica Filby
Pokemon Go Plus+ shiny

A series of insane missed Shiny encounters on the Pokemon Go Plus+ has left one Pokemon Go trainer absolutely devastated, with tons of fans flocking to share in their pain.

Since the Pokemon Go Plus+ was released, Pokemon Go fans have been enjoying auto-catching Pokemon, grabbing resources without their phones, and even being rewarded while sleeping. It’s the ultimate hands-off Pokemon Go tool, allowing all fans the chance to fill their Pokedex no matter where they go.

However, while that idea is fantastic on paper, one Pokemon Go Plus+ trainer has revealed a devastating missed opportunity featuring some insane back-to-back Shiny encounters.

Missed Shiny encounters leaves Pokemon Go Plus+ player “appalled”

Sharing their frustrations, Pokemon Go user Micosama posted an image on Reddit, detailing two consecutive Shiny Pokemon, missed within less than a minute of each other. “I am appalled right now,” they went on to explain, detailing how “this was the first time this has happened to me and this was supposedly my first back2back wild shiny spawn and my FIRST EVER SHINY SLUGMA. I don’t know what to feel right now.”

Some Pokemon Go players felt the user’s pain, while also joking about the nature of the gadget, commenting “damn, even when you pay to win, you still lose. Curse you Niantic!”

However, many trainers were quick to offer advice to ensure the player never has to have this happen again, explaining how “the trick is to never look at the journal after using the Go Plus +” highlighting the age-old saying “ignorance is bliss!”

Others shared the same advice, stating how they’ve “had 2 run in my recent as well but a back-to-back definitely hurts to see” going on to offer similar advice, “I’ve learned to just not check the journal if I’m auto-catching because of stuff like this”

While many shared similar advice, one player used it as a talking point to improve the Go Plus+ highlighting how they think “they need to update it. Let us have the option to use master balls and razz if it spots a shiny, let us use ultra balls if it’s over a certain CP, etc. The device is great, but it definitely has room for improvement.”

These missed opportunities are certainly frustrating and it’s clear the Pokemon Go community knows this issue well, marking one downside for auto-catching and leaving many players hoping for a little more leniency.