Is Immortals of Aveum multiplayer?

Andrew Highton
immortals of aveum main character cut scene

Ascendant Studios’ Immortals of Aveum is a brand new FPS that looks to trade guns for magical powers as players engage in a compelling narrative, but does the game have multiplayer?

FPS games and multiplayer often go hand in hand, from pioneering titles like Team Fortress and Quake to modern-day mammoths Overwatch 2 and Call of Duty, multiplayer has been a big part of the genre for decades.

With Immortals of Aveum set to bring a magic twist to the FPS genre, you may be wondering whether or not the game has multiplayer capabilities, or it’s it’s solely intended to be played alone.

So, here’s everything you need to know about whether or not you can enjoy Immortals of Aveum with friends.

battle cut scene in immortals of aveum

Will Immortals of Aveum be multiplayer?

It’s been confirmed by EA that Immortals of Aveum will not include multiplayer and will instead be a strictly single-player experience.

Using the official FAQ’s words: “Immortals of Aveum is a single-player, first-person magic shooter.” This was the answer given to the question of Immortals including either co-op or multiplayer.

Understandably, this may disappoint some, especially given the uniqueness of the gameplay and how it looks to differ from traditional, gun-toting FPS games. The use of magical spells and various talents and skills certainly makes it different compared to the rest of the crowd.

It’s not uncommon for a game to start out as a single-player title and then factor in multiplayer at a later date though. So, we’ll have to see how Immortals performs from a critical and sales standpoint. If the devs do decide to factor in a multiplayer mode, we’ll be sure to update this guide as soon as this is confirmed.

if you want even more content regarding Immortals of Aveum, check out our guides, preview, and interview below:

Immortals of Aveum PC requirements | Is Immortals of Aveum coming to Xbox Game Pass? | Immortals of Aveum developer interview | Immortals of Aveum preview