Fortnite players livid as still-broken hurdle mechanic returns

Brianna Reeves
fortnite hurdle

Epic Games recently re-enabled Fortnite’s hurdle mechanic, but its lingering glitches have left players frustrated.

Due to an unspecified issue, the developer temporarily removed hurdling from Fortnite several weeks ago in mid-December.

Many assumed its sidelining came as a result of issues wherein the mechanic would launch players into the air. In other instances, the feature would auto-activate and throw players over waist-high objects even if it wasn’t their intention.

A recent patch has brought hurdling back to the game. However, not everyone is happy about this development, especially not users who’ve been subjected to the feature’s disruptive bugs.

Fortnite players can hurdle again but it’s still broken

While Epic has reinstated hurdling in the popular battle royale, players like RoyalMannequin remain unconvinced that it belongs in-game.

The Reddit user shared a brief gameplay clip of their character looting an area of the map. All seems well and good until the player starts running toward a nearby treasure chest.

Once they get within a few feet of their prize, the auto-hurdle mechanic activates and instantly launches the player high into the air.

After soaring for several hundred feet, RoyalMannequin slowly begins to lose air. “I hate the hurdle mechanic,” the Redditor wrote as the thread’s caption.

“Isn’t this the exact reason they disabled it?” someone asked in response to the above post.

Others pointed out that they’ve encountered similar issues since the feature’s reinstatement. “Twice yesterday I was nowhere near an object and ended up hurdling over it off a cliff,” one person claimed. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that hurdling will soon require another fix.

Interestingly, Fortnite’s hurdle isn’t the only recently removed mechanic to have returned this week. The temporarily disabled Shockwave Hammer has also rejoined the fun. This particular weapon went back to the vault because of a troublesome infinite bounce glitch that players could easily exploit.