Viral ‘Pikachu dog’ resurfaces at NBA games despite owner’s fine

Connor Bennett
Dog dyed yellow like Pikachu being held aloft at NBA game

The viral Pikachu dog has made its return to NBA games and it is now photobombing cameras despite its owner being fined for the transformation.

At one point or another, we’ve all wished that we could have a real-life Pokemon to accompany us in our day-to-day lives. Sure, the powers and moves would cause chaos, but it’d be pretty fun to have. 

Some Pokemon fans have taken things up a notch and turned their imagination into reality somewhat, by creating their own Pokemon through different avenues. 

Most recently, one dog owner went super viral for dying their dog exactly like Pikachu and taking them courtside at a Miami Heat vs Minnesota Timberwolves game. Now, the dog is back, and it’s as impressive as ever. 

Pikachu dog resurfaces at Chicago Bulls games

That’s right, the viral Pikachu dog made its return to the NBA scene on January 8 when it was spotted at the Chicago Bulls vs Utah Jazz game. 

Once again, the dog was put on camera for everyone to see, but this time it was the owner who pushed it into the spotlight rather than confused commentators. The dog was held up in front of one of the courtside cameras as the Jazz shot some free throws. 

“Oh, I thought it was a stuffed animal at first,” said one of the commentators. “That’s a cute little dog, though. Look at it!”

The clip has been viewed a few million times already, as plenty of fans are impressed that the dog is still dyed exactly like Pikachu. Well, it is missing his signature ears and lightning strikes but we can let that pass.

There have been some concerns about the dye used to color the dog, especially as doing so is even illegal in some states – including Florida. The owner of the dog, Erik Torres, was recently cited $200 for dying the dog yellow but said he has no plans to change given he owns the dog and will appeal the citation.