CoD players can now get drops from watching CDL on YouTube

Daniel Appleford
Call of Duty MW3 in-game rewards from CDL on YouTube

The Call of Duty League is now promoting stream-exclusive drops for MW3 on YouTube, leading some fans to wondering if the league will be switching streaming platforms.

Earning exclusive in-game content before the release of a new title is not uncommon for Call of Duty. The franchise has been using stream drops since the CDL first formed in 2020 but has switched from YouTube to Twitch multiple times.

YouTube was the original home of the CDL back in 2020 when Call of Duty first franchised. While on YouTube, the viewership saw a massive decline until the league made the switch to Twitch before the Modern Warfare II season. Before the season began, the viewership ratings had already reached new peak highs.

Now rumors of CDL’s return to YouTube exclusively seem even stronger following a new promotion letting CoD players earn exclusive drops from the league’s YouTube channel.

CoD tweet could indicate CDL’s return to YouTube

Once again the CDL is teasing a potential return to YouTube in its most recent Twitter post. The official Call of Duty account revealed that in-game rewards can be earned through watching drop-enabled streams. The CDL reposted this Tweet adding “Watch #CODNext on to claim your drops.”

The inclusion of a YouTube link is notable, given CDL’s exclusive streaming rights with Twitch, and adds fuel to the rumors a change could be coming.

This potential change is already receiving backlash from the community. The community has made it clear that they dislike YouTube streams, preferring the Twitch layout due to its history with the Call of Duty community as well as its discoverability.

One retired professional was one of the first to show their displeasure for the shift.

Others commented on the matter, chastising the CDL for not caring about how the change will affect the viewership numbers for the upcoming season. If the CDL decides to make the jump back to YouTube, there could be another decline in viewership this year.

With the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III on the horizon, players have the chance to earn a calling card, charm, emblem and blueprint by watching streams. The official Call of Duty Twitch and YouTube channels will be live for players to earn these rewards. However, the Call of Duty League official stream is currently only available on YouTube.