Baldur’s Gate 3 players discover Asatarion can literally draw blood from a stone

Liam Ho
A screenshot of Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have discovered that Astarion the vampire is able to draw blood from a literal inanimate stone statue.

Larian Studios Baldur’s Gate 3 has burrowed its way into the hearts and minds of players everywhere. The multiple-act RPG has gained massive popularity, becoming a strong contender for one of the best games released in 2023.

Part of the charm of Baldur’s Gate 3 comes in the form of it’s companions. Everyone absolutely adores one of them in particular though, and that’s the Rogue vampire Astarion. With his sarcastic quips and prods, Astarion has become a fan favorite of the Baldur’s Gate 3 player base.

Of course, being a vampire, Astarion comes with a few quirks for better or worse. He needs to be able to draw blood from either yourself or his enemies, granting him a nice buff. However, that leaves your character a little woozy. Fortunately, players have discovered a new workaround for this issue, involving a statue made out of stone.

BG3 players discover magical blood statue to feed Astarion

Reddit user Angry_Stranger discovered that the statue players can purchase from Boney and Stoney in Act 3 can have its blood drunk. This makes absolutely no sense since the statue is made completely from stone. However, we’re not complaining as it does work as a fantastic solution to save your blood for yourself.

Players have theorized that the statue was made by cloning the player and freezing it, which would allow it to have drinkable blood.

The only issue with this newfound solution is that in order to purchase the statue from Boney and Stoney, you’ll need to cough up around 5,000 gold which could definitely deter some from this option.

With Larian constantly updating and releasing fixes for the game, it’s likely they remove this magical blood stone in future patches, until that time, feel free to feed the vampire as much as you’d like.