Baldur’s Gate 3 players are fed up of getting ‘backseated’ by this NPC

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are annoyed by this certain NPC that keeps telling them what to do, despite the game allowing them to make their own choices.

At the start of the game, Baldur’s Gate 3 players will have the option to create and even customize their own Guardian, an NPC that will essentially guide them through their journey. 

Aside from appearing in cutscenes, they can also offer advice and even warn players if they attempt to do something that will lead to chaos. 

But apparently, despite their intentions to guide you, players have expressed that they’re not happy about being told what to do. One person even mentioned that they’re equivalent to a “built-in Twitch chat.”

In a Reddit thread discussing how the Guardian behaves, players have shared some instances that made them annoyed with this NPC. 

“When the ‘guardian’ is all like ‘try something else’, like bro, stop back seating. I ain’t eating no goddamn tadpole. I don’t care if it makes me more powerful. I say no to drugs,” one person wrote.

Others in the comments shared a similar experience, and one person even wished there was a mute option for this NPC. They said, “I do not give a f*** what he has to say. I’ve done multiple complete playthroughs.”

Another player claimed they’re annoyed due to the NPC constantly going, “Hey, there’s a parasite in that corpse!”.

They said, “Yes, I know, I’ll go throw it in my camp chest like all the others. I’m not eating your mind slugs.”

“‘That won’t work!’ F**** you b**** that had a 70% chance of working, and you f****** know it,” another chimed in.

For the uninitiated, the Guardian in Baldur’s Gate 3 will suggest players eat tadpoles to become more powerful. Though this is up to the player’s choice, the Guardian will still notify you if there’s any tadpole nearby regardless.