Apex Legends dev explains why “anti-scan” Legend wouldn’t work despite requests

Alex Garton
Apex Legends Bloodhound scan

An Apex Legends dev has explained why they do not want to add an “anti-scan” Legend to the roster, despite receiving countless requests.

Over the past few seasons, characters with scan abilities that can detect the position of their opponents have become extremely popular in PUBS, Ranked, and competitive play.

This is because, in conjunction with other Legends, they can be incredibly powerful when it comes to positioning, dealing damage, and isolating enemies.

As a result, a lot of the community has been calling on Respawn to introduce a new Legend that counters these scans and can move around undetected.

Well, Respawn has finally responded to these suggestions and revealed that they’re “not thrilled” with the idea of adding a new anti-scan or cold-blooded character to the Outlands.

Bloodhound Apex
Legends that can scan have become extremely popular in the current meta.

Respawn does not want to add “anti-scan” Legend to Apex

During a Twitter discussion on July 9, an Apex Legends player asked Live Balance Designer John ‘JayBiebs’ Larson whether a cold-blooded character would ever be added to the game.

This certainly isn’t a new request, and with the upcoming mobile Legend Rhapsody having an anti-scan Ultimate, a lot of fans want a similar ability on console and PC.

Unfortunately, JayBiebs explained that the devs are “not thrilled” with the idea of an “anti-scan” Legend as they feel it would become a must-pick character who would “limit options” in the future.

While a cold-blooded Legend might be off the cards, Respawn is aware of the power scans bring to a squad and is exploring more “Legend agnostic options” when it comes to balancing them.

However, for the time being, the devs have not confirmed when any of these “anti-scan” balance changes are going to arrive in-game.

For the time being, it’ll just be a case of waiting for Season 14, which is scheduled to arrive in early to mid-August and will hopefully help to address the long-standing scan meta.