Reddit has picked the goriest anime – and they’re horrific

Anthony McGlynn
Elfen Lied

Reddit has a few recommendations for the goriest anime you can find, from well-known shows such as Devilman Crybaby and Elfen Lied to lesser-known releases, and the list is truly a pit of blood and guts.

Within anime, you can find plenty of severed torn up bodies and grotesque scenes. Horror anime like the aforementioned Elfen Lied have a reputation for it, and then you have anime movies such as Urotsukidoji that live in infamy due to their comical level of gore and nudity.

But there are some hidden gems – shows and films that have faded from memory, but are worth a watch if you’re a gorehound.

Even if you’re not, they’re still entertaining, at the very least as representations of their creative eras and movements.

Elfen Lied, Devilman Crybaby, Genocyber, and Blood-C are the goriest anime, according to Reddit

Many infamous shows and movies are listed, but four come up again and again – Devilman Crybaby, Blood-C, Gencyber, and Elfen Lied. Each engage in their own particular version of nihilistic gore that may appeal to those looking to be unsettled.

Genocyber, for instance, is a classic anime from 1994, when creators were looking to push the envelope. It’s a dystopian miniseries about a woman, Elaine, who develops the power of the eponymous cybernetic creature. Think Akira, but way more concerned with how many people die. Elfen Lied follows a young woman from a humanoid race with powerful invisible limbs who goes on a rampage after she’s tested in a lab.

Blood-C contains some truly disturbing sequences, with the demonic antagonists wiping out humans en masse. Devilman Crybaby, the most recent of this selection, features heroes defending mankind from demons – and the sacrifices required for such things. It’s actually streaming on Netflix, if you’re curios.

Truly, if you can sit through all of these, you’ll have a strong stomach, and a good understanding of what the underbelly to the cheeriness of Naruto and My Hero Academia looks like. Or you can just stick to the best romance anime if you’re more of a comfort fiend.