Shroud explains how PUBG can fix its “clunky” movement system

Former CS:GO professional Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek has given his thoughts on PlayerUnknown’s Battleground’s latest Erangel update, in particular explaining how their movement system needs to be improved.
Released in March 2017, fans of the battle royale game have been begging developers to remaster their first-ever map, as improvements in hardware have left it far behind their latest additions.
Finally, the developers revealed that the iconic map would be updated with players able to test out the changes on the PUBG Steam Test Server this weekend, June 8-9, across all platforms.

Shroud explains the problem with PUBG’s movement
Twitch star shroud, who is known for his extraordinary aim which makes him almost unstoppable at times while playing PUBG, reviewed the map alterations with his chat.
The Canadian highlighted the game’s current movement system as the biggest problem the developer currently faces, labelling it as “clunky”, especially when attempting to vault boxes or ledges.
“Their vaulting needs to be fucking cranked up or something,” he said. “You could quickly vault instead of going through the process [of jumping]. It shouldn’t have to feel so clunky.
“This game could use some movement air strafe. The game would be so sick,” shroud continued, “It would be so sick if you could actually turn while in the air.”
This type of movement, also known as ‘strafe jumping’, is best known from CS:GO, and is a product of Valve’s source engine.
Rival battle royale game, Apex Legends, has been widely praised for its movement system which allows players to effortlessly move around the map and shroud feels that PUBG should adopt a similar movement mechanic. Apex Legends also runs on the Source engine.
Feedback from the weekend’s test event is likely to be taken on board by Bluehole who can make further adjustments to the map before its official release in Season 4. Whether they make any changes to movement though, is less likely.
PUBG’s ‘clunky’ clambering and jumping system has been a feature since launch, despite the many complaints about it, and long time players, particularly professionals, would probably rather such a drastic change is avoided.